Social Media


Digital Social MediaIs Facebook only for older people? Is Snapchat going to be viable for businesses? What will be the next big trend in social media?

We get those questions – and more of them – every day. We know that the social media tools in vogue today will evolve and change. However, we also know that social media has profoundly changed how people interact with brands. Today’s consumers want the advice and experiences of people who actually use the product or service. The desire for authentic experiences affects how people make decisions on everything from at what restaurant they eat to the corporate culture of a company where they may want to work.

Anthology believes the key to effective social media is strategy. We ask the hard questions about what you want to accomplish with social media. We work with you to set up a foundational approach to social media regardless of the tool that will be used to deliver the message. We talk to you about your infrastructure and how your company will react to both positive experiences and crisis. We help you set up a content calendar, recommend what platforms to use and determine the brand tone and voice.

In most cases, we believe the day-to-day execution of social media needs to be tasked to individuals with a deep understanding of the organization. These are the conversations we have at the beginning of the process so your finished program is sustainable and not a reaction to the latest trends.

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